![Tangent Galvonometer](galvo.gif) Resume |
Robert E. Johnson
Product Safety Engineer
90 Coventry Wood Rd.
Bolton, MA 01740
Providing guidance in the field of regulatory compliance and certification, with particular expertise in product safety.
Product Safety Engineer involved in the safety aspects of manufactured products, particularly information technology equipment.
This includes the review and testing of products to assure safe design, submission of products to testing agencies for certification,
participation in the standards creation process, and consultation on interpretations and use of standards.
Member of NEC (National Electrical Code) Code Making Panel 12
Representative to UL (Underwriters Laboratories) STP 60950 (Standards Technical Panel) on
Information Technology Equipment, STP 60320 on Appliance Couplers, STP 1283 EMI Filters
IEC TC108, Safety of Information Technology Equipment, participating up to 2008 on
Maintenance Team 2, where I have been a significant contributor to the content of IEC 60950
Hazard Based Standards Development Team - Technical Specialist working on IEC 62368, replacement for IEC 60950 and 60065.
Member of US Technical Advisory Group for TC108 up to 2008
Member of ITIC (Information Technology Industry Council) TC-7, Installation Codes and Practices; and TC-2, Technical Committee on Safety of Information Technology Equipment
Member of Northeast Product Safety Society
ITE Safety 2001-present
Product Safety Consulting business doing contract work for assorted companies primarily in the telecom and data industries.
Motorola 1996- 2001
Principal Engineer providing product safety expertise in the Homologation Engineering Department for the division:
- provided design guidance regarding product safety with particular emphasis on worldwide applications for power and telecommunication circuits.
- provided advice and assistance to the approvals engineers in getting agency approvals
- resolved interpretation issues with agencies and standards
- represented Motorola's interests in trade and standards committees
- authored product safety policies and procedures
- provided product safety training for several Motorola sites
- authored product safety lab test procedures
- conducted product safety incident investigations and resolutions
- conducted the UL Client Test Data Program
- conducted the CSA Category Certification Program
- conducted the TUV Acceptance of Client Testing Program
- designed test equipment for impulse and overvoltage testing of CATV and TNV circuits
Digital Equipment Corporation 1972-1996
Principal Product Safety engineer in the Corporate Regulatory and Standards Domains Department:
- provided corporate guidance on the application of standards and requirements
- authored the corporate product safety standards
- assessed and planned the impact of regulatory changes on the company product lines
- educated and trained the company's product safety engineering staff
- provided corporate input to affect the course of national and international safety standards
- interacted with approval agencies regarding certification and interpretation issues
- resolved issues with the FDA regarding submissions and import requirements
- submission and approval of products to testing and certification agencies
- field incident investigation, resolution and recalls
- maintenance and correction of certification problems in manufacturing
Also medical electronic engineer at Digital doing circuit design and product development, including managing the
development of an analog and digital interface for nuclear medicine equipment. Included management of an engineer and technician.
Medical electronic engineer at Springfield Hospital Medical Center
Established and supervised the medical electronic department; served as site electrical engineer during hospital rewiring and building constructions projects. Prepared construction proposals for building permits.
Consultant engineer for American Peace Corps in Bombay, India
Provided free consulting services to small scale industries through the governent industries office. Work included product designs and redesigns, improving processes, cost reductions and management assistance with about fifteen companies.
Optical design engineering at Holophane Co
Designed prismatic lenses for streetlight and commercial lighting fixtures with three dimensional drafting processes, performed photometric and electrical evaluations of luminaires.
BSEE, University of Cincinnati, (a co-op program)